Monday, October 19, 2009


10/27: Information Session - 8:30 pm - 9:00 pm Lerner 568.

10/21: CUDM Invades Low Plaza - Free Food, Live Music, CUDM Registration party - 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

10/24: FEEL the THRILLER! - Honor Michael Jackson and find out more about CUDM by learning and performing Thriller in a world wide event! - 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm Aerobics Room 4 (Dodge Gym)

11/23: Fundraising information Session - 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm

12/2: World AIDS Day Awareness Event - 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm Party Space

Please email to find out more! Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you at our events!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

CUDM 2010

Welcome to the CUDM Live Blog!

Preparations for CUDM 2010 are already underway. With a new committee eager to bring you the BEST marathon yet, we have been working hard to spread awareness and increase involvement for our upcoming events, information sessions, and last - but certainly not least - the dance marathon itself.

Please take a look around the blog to check out postings from last year, and updates for this year. The site will be updated constantly, so please check in now and again for new information. We look forward to hearing from you on the blog, and seeing you around campus!

Steering 2010

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Sadly, CUDM 9 is coming to a close. With only minutes left, we are all on our feet, rocking out hard to our last songs together. It's been a great ride thus far, and the hard work has been worth it all. Next, we'll hear from Pam Barnes from the Foundation. It's always a moving ending! The rest of the stories you'll have to hear from the dancer's mouths. For now, the CUDM blog is logging off! Thanks for keeping us company along the way!


Steering Committee 2009

Alex Hinton, Public Relations Chair, Yellow Team Captain

The dancers (and steering committee) are in the home stretch. It's been a lot of fun! a lot of steps danced, and a LOT of sleep missed. But it's all been worth it. Listening to speakers like Jake Glaser and the Belfiores puts into perspective exactly what CUDM is all about: making a difference and helping to fight the spread of HIV/AIDS worldwide. IMAGINE A GENERATION BORN FREE OF HIV. this is the goal of EGPAF and it's an inspiring goal that we can make happen.

I want to share three things that I've learned this marathon:
1) it's possible to shake you butt so much it hurts
2) being surprised with a chocolate milksake in the middle of the night is AMAZING
3) I'm really bad at the guitar on Rock Band/Guitar Hero (but i'm beastly on the drums and vocals..... when i play on easy....)

Forever for the kids

Rachael McMillan, Green Team (VIVA LA VERDE!!!), 2009

Good afternoon on what are the last hours of my final dance marathon. This will be my third dance marathon that I’ve done throughout my undergraduate career at Columbia University—and I couldn’t be happier that I decided to join in on this wonderful event! So what if I have a thesis to write and an LSAT to take? This cause is just so worthwhile and amazing. I just got my seventh wind dancing to the Disney MegaMixx followed by some of the vocal stylings of Lady Gaga. Everybody seems to know that we’re in the final hours of the marathon and our nearly comatose states have metamorphasized into a funky fresh haze of energy!
There are a lot of things that have made this marathon in particular the best one ever! First, I got a visit from my awesome Aunt Lisa as well as some out of town guests who came for a while. Then, tons of my friends came and visited me—including Caitlin who brought me hot decaf tea in the wee hours of the morning. I’m also surrounded by lots of my sorority sisters who decided to dance this year as well, so it’s wonderful to have a support network!
As for the actual dancing, the highlights are:
-Jake Glazer, the son of Elizabeth Glazer came in all the way from LA and gave a truly inspirational speech that brought us all to tears.
-Meeting Judah Friedlander from 30 Rock (he’s awesome and so friendly!)
-getting to go onstage with Jim Linehan (
-learning some sweet bhangra moves, thanks to the CU Bhanghra dance team!
I have to take this time to give a shout out to my family who is reading this right now—THANK YOU GRANDMA, GRANDPA, UNCLE MARK, AUNT LISA, UNCLE ED, EVAN, HALEY, AUNT SANDY, UNCLE PETER, MOM, AND DADDIO. I’ve been making you proud on the dance floor, dad! They haven’t played funky town yet, but I’m going to put in a request for I Be Strokin’!

Yoonjin Ha, Orange Team, 2009

Hello, hello! I’m guessing it’s about a little after noon now? I have no idea. Jesus, this has been a trip. 28 hours really is no joke and no easy feat. 14 hours into the Dance Marathon (haha, when can I ever say “14 hours into” anything??), I hit a HUGE low, but—as is the case with everyone else here—you snap back to dance hard, yet again, when that favorite song blasts through the speakers. Thus far, we’ve had so many performances by dance groups, a cappella performers, and other types of entertainment—including one hilarious “professional” performer by the name of Jim Linelan (sp.?). He was a recreation of Brian from the Backstreet Boys in the 21st century and way too into himself—all the more outrageously amusing. Judah Friedlander also made a visit; and I got a photo and short talk with him! We’ve also learned this “line dance”, which we perform to the song “It’s a beautiful life” every hour or so. Actually, we’re doing it now as I type—love it. Anywho, I send my love to my mom, dad, and Jeein! And all of my friends (moralers) who came in the odd hours of the day to keep me awake and energized! You guys are the best. So far, I can say that—through the strenuous times of the Dance Marathon—I’ve enjoyed myself and met a lot of great people. Peace and love. Prosit.



Non Sequitor Is Performing

...and totally wailing!

Up Next: Disney/Theme Song Hour continues...

Sarah Nager, Yellow, 2009

The energy is waxing and waning unpredictably! One minute, falling asleep on the toilet, the next, rocking out to Bohemian Rhapsody. It’s okay though—the sun is up and we’ll all get by…with a little help from our friends.
If you’re still checking, hi momma! Love you!

CUDM Dancers do the line dance!


CUDM Dancers

Sarah Chang, Red, 2009

Quick tip for life: if you are ever in the situation where you need to be awake and feel like you are at the point where you would fall asleep standing up, get a quick game if Dance Dance Revolution in and that will perk you right up. You know, just in case. Life lesson. Hi mom!!!

Tom Reed, Blue, 2011

The sun woke me up. Things are good, only a couple of hours left. I miss civilization, crazy things happen in here—I think I saw a kid dressed as a butterfly get chased by someone with a huge net… Anyway, I want to give shout outs to JB, SL, SR, MU, XX, 13, etc.

Sarah Sullivan, RED, 2011

It’s been more than 20 hours now, definitely feeling all that dancing in my feet. Thanks for posting on the blog, though my sorority is Delta Gamma, not Beta Gamma… close enough. Also, thanks for helping me get ready for the marathon and for your ongoing support throughout. Love you, Mom and Dad!

Delirium Grooves

Strange vibrations in the realm of DM. In these nascent morning hours, even as the sunlight, in its salivating glory, penetrates each and every one of our now fluttering eyelids, our heads wilting, snapping like, appropriately, metronomes, the end seems far. A dream? Sleep metaphors seem particularly well-suited.

Wandering from the pools of lights, between dancers caught in the hypnotism of their relentless oscillations, I came across our captains EB and Hannah in the thick of it, a magazine sprawled in front of them. It was open to the striking visage of Bradglina. Mouths agape, they were awed. I heard mutterings, the vague sounds of human language, but nothing definite, nothing recognizable, nothing unalien. Even they, O captings, our captains, had been lost in the thick of it. What is this madness?

Once, I surfaced from the depths of these heavy sounds and visions to a moment of horrific lucdity. Human beings moving as if in sand, their legs latched to floor. Wardobes had deevolved to a blatant mockery of any veritable standard of civilization. Savages? On a trip to the green room I witnessed a particular moment of despair. Upon enterng, engulfed in darkness, I was struck by a wall of dank heat and clutter. One could barely percieve, with the fleeting light from the outer hall, the outlines of the floor tiles winding away into tenebrous oblivion. I stumbled across a body draped across the floor. I never saw its face (Julianne? Christina?), but the blurred form lifted itself, and from, I assume, trembling lips: "The horror! The horror!" I was torn between utter paralysis and the instinct, plapable, to flee.

We seem absolute conoisseurs of massichism. Despite it all, joy reigns suprme. Even now we dance. Even now we fight through the darkness. Even now the light, the morning comes through. If we can do this, what stands a chance? Certaining not HIV. We may lose our sanity, we may lose all remnants of any semblance of civilized human behavior, language, thought. But we will not stand for the horrors of HIV. Beware, oh petty disease. We're dancing still.

-Alex S.


After a spiritual awakening by the Bkahti club, us marathoners had another shining surprise follow shortly after. To our excitement, our fearless Steerers raised the blinds to the auditorium to reveal broad daylight, while playing “Age of Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In.” So, it’s all good here and only getting better!!! We’re also now only playing pre-requested songs from dance marathoners.

Come by and lend us your support (guaranteed good time)!!

“It’s a beautiful life oh oh ooo”….(Ace of Base)!!

Thanks for reading,

Cassie and Kristin, Orange and Blue respectively (awkward purple) 2009!

We’re hurting.
Cassie is working on her story of the fire-breathing giraffe; Kristin is wearing a fringed shirt and wondering about the giant bruise on her KNEE. Kristin and Cassie have BOTH removed their contacts and are now wearing their glasses. Peter still has his contacts in, wellllll…… Anyways, Kristin is making sure Cassie is somewhat coherent (thanks, Kristin) in her typing abilities.

Michael Jackson! Music is good!

Orange lip gloss

Silver nail polish

Paisley print leggings…
Thanks everyone for your support, we still have energy somehow (Cassie’s energy is legit; Kristin’s is just a glimmer in her eye). Sarah Nager: yayyyyyy

Cassie and Kristin
(Cass monster and K-town)

Scott– Blue Team, 2012

The Billy Elliots feel that the only thing anyone on the outside world needs to know about my current state is that a while ago (I can’t say exactly when) Tom chased me around with a giant net while I was wearing a pair of butterfly wings I found. In other words, we’re ok.

Elisa Gores – Red Team, 2011

I’ll start by saying that I have no idea what time it is. All I know is that it’s late, that my feet hurt, and that my team and I are starting to feel a little punchy. All the people on the dance floor have started sort of shuffling back and forth, or they’ve moved to the sides, playing games to try and push through what I imagine will be the hardest hours. Every once in a while someone will get a burst of energy, which is very motivating. I myself am sort of waiting for my fourth wind to kick in. This is my first time dancing, and I can’t even being to envision how I’ll be feeling by tomorrow afternoon, but for now I feel optimistic. What an awesome group this is. All my love to the HaĆ¼s of Flannel! Just gotta keep dancing…

the love generation

hello everyone,

it's 3:23 am and we just danced our hearts out to the song "love generation," a song that has been important to dance marathon over the past few years.

what we're doing here is all about love, and you can feel it in every minute of this celebration we've got going.

we're having a blast!

thanks for reading.

with love,

p.s. hi mommy and daddy

Max Puro – Red Team, 2009

This is my first time participating in CUDM and it has been an amazing experience. The support of my friends and family is keeping me going! I never could have imagined myself doing this, but it is the most rewarding experience I’ve had at Columbia. You all need to do this at some point in your Columbia or whatever college you go to. Mom & Dad: Still Alive!!!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Katie Magiera — Orange Team, 2009

This is my second time participating in CUDM, and it has (so far) proved to be even better than the first. As a senior, it means even more that so many of my friends are dancing, moraling, and visiting during my last chance to take part in such an amazing event. All of the festivities have been fantastic, and for that I thank the entire steering team for putting it all together. If you’re reading this and haven’t visited yet, please do! We have so much energy; it’d be a shame if haven’t experienced it yet. FTK!

Caroline Corley – Red Team, 2012

I have to admit, I was really nervous coming into this. I’ve been pleasantly surprised, though! This has been so amazing! I’m an avid watcher of 30 Rock, and Judah Friedlander just stopped by to show his support for the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. I might have freaked out just a little bit and taken more than one picture with him… I’m having a great time with my friends – reppin’ Haus of Flannel! Also, my team just won the toga contest, which makes me feel somewhat accomplished. Thank you to everyone who has donated his/her time, money, and chocolate milkshakes! It’s much appreciated! If you haven’t had a chance to stop by yet, you definitely should!

JIM LINEHAN rocking the house right now!

Next Up: Bar Mitzvah Hour with CU Hillel!

A post from Megan!

Megan, Sophomore, Team Yellow (Yes, we all live in a Yellow Submarine…)
FTK!!! I’m going to try to be a little witty, but I’m not sure how well that’s going to work out… It’s been a while. So far, the marathon has been great! A couple of line dances, some great music—we just had what I assume was ‘90s hour and before that a ‘60s hour. There are so many people here, many more than last year. As a veteran, I thought “Hey! This is going to be a piece of cake, I survived last year I can do it again.” Alas, while I think I will make it, I’m already physically breaking a bit… Now I just have to wait for the next food break… Hi mom! (And sara and lyly and tequila!!!) Ooooh “Human” by the Killers just came on- gotta boogie!

CU Dance Marathon 9 Has Officially Begun!

Jake Glaser of the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation was here to get all 85 of our dancers pumped up and ready to begin their 28-hour-long journey through dance marathon. After a few stretches, a team cheering competition, and a lesson in this year's amazing line dance they were all set! CUDM 9 was on!
Please feel free to post comments, shout-outs, and responses to dancer posts here. Stay tuned for the next 28 hours and we guarantee we'll have something great for you to look at here!