Friday, November 12, 2010

18 hours?!

Well - it's that time of the year to register for the best event on campus in it's 11th year!

As you'll notice, we made a major change. We are no longer a 28 hour dance marathon, but an 18 hour one.

Though it was a difficult switch to make - after 10 years of running tradition - CUDM steering 2011 has decided to innovate! Remembering our main mission of raising as much awareness, as many funds, and include as many participants as possible, we knew we'd have to make a change to double our numbers.

We are hoping that this change will encourage you (whether a novice or veteran participant) to join us for CUDM 2011 in Lerner Party Space on Saturday, January 29, 2011 - Sunday, January 30, 2011.

Please email us at with any questions.

FTK! (ForTheKids!)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New CUDM 10 Video Footage!

Check out a great new video, filmed and edited by CUDM's very own Jin Ha:

We hope you enjoy!

See you at CUDM 2011, January 29 - 30, 2011

Sunday, January 31, 2010

CUDM 2010 has come to its end

Thank you so much to everyone that came and supported CUDM 2010. It was a fantastic Marathon with an endless list of unforgettable memories. We raised over $47,000 for The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (!

Photos and videos will be posted up soon.

Thank you to all the performers, sponsors, dancers, moralers, friends, family, EGPAF representatives, NY EGPAF Family Ambassadors, DJ's, and everybody else who contributed to the success of this year's Dance Marathon.

For The Kids

Steering Committee '10


Dear Internets,

It's here. The final hour. We are 40 minutes away from completing this. all 28 hours. all incredible. all unforgettable. all worth it.

We just had the boys and girls basketball team members come support us and learn the line dance with us. But now it's back to just us--as it was in the beginning, tis in the end. All the dancers, moralers, and friends together in the Party Space. We are significantly sweatier than when we started...more tired than when we started...but so much more fulfilled, as well.

Another big circle, shoulder to shoulder hugging session to Jason Mraz' "I'm Yours" materialized. Beautiful

See you all on the flip side.


P.S. - King and Queen of CUDM are about to be announced!!!!

CUDM: Hour Twenty-Three


Our apologies for the hiatus in blogging. One of our steering committee members dislocated his shoulder during a heated dance-off! Coincidentally, the injured dancer was the steering committee member who was updating this blog, haha. But he is back now! Ready to party [mildly]!!

Thus far:

- Club CUDM!!!! DJ Orazio, Jime Linehan, DJ Jasmine, SHAPES band, DJ Charles de Freminville, Ssen, DJ Simon, DJ Ian.




-stress busters. massages. wow. wow. zomg. zomfg.

-We also had two fantastic and inspirational speakers visit us: Joey DiPaolo and Ramona Belfiore!

- Karaoke hour just ended. The energy here is incredible. Where is this allllll coming from?!?!?!!?!?!?


Saturday, January 30, 2010

CUDM: hour eight

Dear internets,

HOUR EIGHT. IT'S HOT IN HERE. WE ARE SWEATY. CURRENTLY IT'S BAR MITZVAH HOUR (ALSO KNOWN AS THE CRAZIEST HOUR OF CUDM). People danced in spinning circles, people got lifted in chairs in the middle, dancers swung each other around in pairs, AND we just played an uber intense round of Coke & Pepsi. Utter camaraderie.

Thus far:

- CU Bangra performed a fantastic HIGH-energy routine.

- CU Belly Dance wooed the pants off our guy dancers...

- ORCHESIS DISCO PIECE. They're shirts were like shiny, reflective disco balls. But in shirt shapes. Incredible dancing.

- During the GREEK HOUR, our three colored teams participated in the Recycled Materials TOGA Contest.
- Yellow Team: themed a "300"-esque Spartan toga.
- Red Team: A melee of bandanas, pompoms, bubble wrap, and red table cloth. Also decorated with a green "pedestal" (laundry hamper)
- Blue Team (WINNER): A menagerie of blue cloths with a theme of teamwork, universality, and cooperation amongst all color teams.

P.S. - We had Julianne Corman and Christina Sok (two graduated Steering Committee members judge!)

- Bar Mitzvah Hour hosted by Hillel is coming to an end. Sir Mix alot blasts the stereos now...

in the coming hours, we look forward to:

- CU KINGSMEN. The rowdiest bunch of classy, straight-laced a cappella gentlemen you'll ever hear.
- CLUB CUDM (10 p.m. to 4 a.m.). This is where the party goes from hot & crazy to burning & ludicrous. You don't want to miss the biggest and baddest club of the year.

Tickets will always be available for purchase at the Lerner Ticket Booth!

Thank you for your support!!!

For The Kids